Saturday, April 14, 2007

ispanyolca / spanish / spanisch / ispanyolca kurs 2

Hello (informal).Hola. (OH-lah). For the formal equivalent of hola see good morning, good afternoon, good evening below.
How are you? (informal)¿Cómo estás? (KOH-moh ehss-TAHSS?)
How are you (formal)¿Cómo está usted? (KOH-mo ehss-TAH oo-stehd?)
Fine, thank you.Muy bien, gracias. (mooey BYEHN, GRAH-syahss)
What is your name? (informal)¿Cómo te llamas? (KOH-moh tay YAH-mahss?)
What is your name? (formal)¿Cómo se llama usted? (KOH-mo say YAH-mah ooss-TAID?)
My name is ______ .Me llamo ______ . (may YAH-moh _____ .)
Nice to meet you.Encantado/a. (EHN-kahn-TAH-doh)
Please.Por favor. (POHR fah-BOHR)
Thank you.Gracias. (GRAH-SYAHSS)
You're welcome.De nada. (day NAH-dah)
Yes.Sí. (SEE)
No.No. (NOH)
Excuse me. (getting attention)Disculpe. (dees-KOOL-pay)
Excuse me. (begging pardon)Perdón. (pair-DOHN)
I'm sorry.Lo siento. (loh SYEHN-toh)
Goodbye.Adiós. (ah-DYOHSS)
Goodbye. (informal)Hasta luego. (AH-stah LWAY-goh)
I can't speak Spanish [well].No hablo español [bien]. (noh AH-blow EHS-pahn-YOL [BYEHN])
Do you speak English?¿Hablas inglés? (AH-blahss een-GLAYSS?) (informal); ¿Habla usted inglés? (AH-blah oos-TAID een-GLAYSS?)
Is there someone here who speaks English?¿Hay alguien que hable inglés? (eye ahl-GYEN kay AH-blay een-GLAYSS?)
Help!Ayuda! (ah-YOU-dah!); Socorro! (soh-COH-row!)
Good morning.Buenos días. (BWAY-nohss DEE-ahss)
Good afternoon.Buenas tardes. (BWAY-nahss TAR-dayss)
Good evening (when it's dark)Buenas noches. (BWAY-nahss NOH-chayss)
Good night.Buenas noches. (BWAY-nas NOH-chayss)
I don't understand.No entiendo. (noh ehn-TYEHN-doh)
Where is the toilet?¿Dónde está el baño? (DOHN-day ehss-TAH ehl BAHN-yoh?)

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